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AzerMn said:
Fri, 31 Jan 2025 06:00:31 +0800

Галерея Девелоперов — это агентство недвижимости, которое поможет с подбором и покупкой новостройки в Москве и Московской Области абсолютно бесплатно, поскольку сотрудничает с застройщиками напрямую.
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Заказать звонок можно, перейдя по ссылке: [url=https://developers.gallery/]Ивановское Новостройки[/url] и менеджер составит индивидуальный каталог новостроек абсолютно бесплатно, поможет с записью в офис продаж застройщика, окажет юридическое сопровождение сделки: Проверит договор ДДУ, поможет с открытием счёта эскроу и аккредитива, а также направит инструкцию по выпуску электронной цифровой подписи для удалённой покупки в онлайн-формате.
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Carrieemimb said:
Fri, 31 Jan 2025 03:31:48 +0800

Здравствуйте, хочу предостеречь читателей данного поста о сети мошенников, которые занимаются поставкой запчастей к металлообрабатывающим станкам.

Мы оплатили им товар в октябре 2022, в итоге нам не отгрузили продукцию, я даже оставила отзыв на площадке https://rateorg.com/57688, также отзывы есть в Яндексе https://reviews.yandex.ru/shop/td-zks.ru и в 2Гис https://2gis.ru/engels/firm/70000001026666256/tab/reviews Далее сам отзыв:
Оплатили сектора к прессу еще в начале октября 2022 года. Понимания на январь месяц 2023 года когда будут готовы нет. Противно даже отзыв оставлять о такой компании. Директор Абросимов Вадим Николаевич полный неадекват!!!!! Разговор каждый раз сводится к крику, мату и оскорблениям!!!!!!! Кричит вечно что производственник, а на самом деле обычное быдло с подворотни. С клиентами никакого общения, трубки неделями не берут. Покопалась в интернете почтила отзывы и о нем и о его компаниях.....поверьте там ничего хорошего и положительного. Очередная компания по мошенничеству.
После того как я покопалась в интернете оказалось, что у данных товарищей очень и очень много разных фирм и сайтов. Это и ТД запчасти для станков, и АРМОР-ЗМИ. Я перечислю только некоторые из них, все данные взяла из открытых источников:

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Сайт Mp- orbita.ru +7 (927) 227-13-48, почта info@mp-orbita.ru.
Сайт Запчасти-к- станкам.рф телефоны 89372555454, 89376333838 почты armor.zmi@mail.ru,89372555454@yandex.ru.
Сайт Запчасти-для- станков.рф телефоны 88453711348, 89272281348 почта mettex-64@mail.ru.

<a href=https://tinyurl.com/moshenniki>Всякое информация про мошенников тут</a>

<a href=https://lencify.eu/2023/11/08/bonjour-tout-le-monde/#comment-941>Мошенники с деталями к станкам</a>
<a href=https://www.scuola-forum.it/viewtopic.php?t=377>Аферисты с запчастями к станкам</a>
<a href=https://bolitoo.com/comment-commander-sur-bolitoo-xpress/#comment-25959>Кидалы с деталями к станкам</a>
<a href=https://jameshoweth.co.uk/index.php/2024/03/19/hello-world/#comment-95>Мошенники с запасными частями к станкам</a>
<a href=https://propertyinvestment.capital/test-post/#comment-5121>Обманщики с запчастями к станкам</a>

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Thu, 30 Jan 2025 04:38:49 +0800

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Joshuabon said:
Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:10:51 +0800

Family hasn’t heard from Hawaii woman in over a week after she misses flight to New York
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It’s been more than a week since Hannah Kobayashi missed a flight connection in Los Angeles. After a series of suspicious texts from her phone, the 30-year-old Hawaii woman has gone silent – and her family is desperately trying to find her.

Kobayashi was traveling from Maui, Hawaii, to New York and had a connecting flight at Los Angeles International Airport, her sister, Sydni, told CNN by phone Monday. She had the same itinerary as an ex-boyfriend; the pair decided to keep their flights since they couldn’t get a refund but would be going their separate ways once they landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
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Hannah was going to spend time in upstate New York with her aunt, Sydni said. But November 11 was the last day anyone heard from her.

Sydni said text messages from Hannah in the lead-up to her disappearance did not sound like her. Hannah used words like “hun,” “love” and “babe.”

“I personally don’t think that was my sister,” Sydni said. “She doesn’t use the word ‘hun.’ ‘Love’ and ‘babe,’ but never ‘hun.’ Even her close friends have said the same.”

Sydni added, “The reason why it’s so concerning is because we’re so close and I’ve known her to always be very grounded and she’s always had a calm and collected demeanor. Yes, she’s a free and independent spirit and she likes to travel, she’s a writer and photographer, but she’s never done anything like this on purpose.”

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Wed, 29 Jan 2025 12:22:24 +0800

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MichaelVib said:
Sat, 25 Jan 2025 19:27:57 +0800

Earth ring theory may shed light on an unexplained ancient climate event, scientists say
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Famously known for its extensive ring system, Saturn is one of four planets in our solar system that have the distinctive feature. And now, scientists hypothesize that Earth may have sported its own ring some 466 million years ago.

During the Ordovician Period, a time of significant changes for Earth’s life-forms, plate tectonics and climate, the planet experienced a peak in meteorite strikes. Nearly two dozen impact craters known to occur during this time were all within 30 degrees of Earth’s equator, signaling that the meteoroids may have rained down from a rocky ring around the planet, according to a study published September 12 in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
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“It’s statistically unusual that you would get 21 craters all relatively close to the equator. It shouldn’t happen. They should be randomly distributed,” said lead author Andrew Tomkins, a geologist and professor of Earth and planetary sciences at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

Not only does the new hypothesis shed light on the origins of the spike in meteorite impacts, but it also may provide an answer to a previously unexplained event: A global deep freeze, one of the coldest climate events in Earth’s history, may have been a result of the ring’s shadow.

Scientists are hoping to find out more about the possible ring. It could help answer the mysteries of Earth’s history as well as pose new questions about the influence an ancient ring could have had on evolutionary development, Tomkins said.

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Fri, 24 Jan 2025 06:04:36 +0800

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Donaldunign said:
Thu, 23 Jan 2025 13:36:16 +0800

Lying down and vomiting between courses: This is how Ancient Romans would feast
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Imagine, if you will, the most glorious festive feast, with an oversize turkey, stuffing two ways, holiday ham, the requisite fixings and at least half a dozen pies and cakes. That may all sound grand — that is, until you consider the extravagant displays of the ancient Roman banquet.

Members of the Roman upper classes regularly indulged in lavish, hours-long feasts that served to broadcast their wealth and status in ways that eclipse our notions of a resplendent meal. “Eating was the supreme act of civilization and celebration of life,” said Alberto Jori, professor of ancient philosophy at the University of Ferrara in Italy.
Ancient Romans enjoyed sweet and salty concoctions. Lagane, a rustic short pasta usually served with chickpeas, was also used to make a honey cake with fresh ricotta cheese. The Romans used garum, a pungent, salty fermented fish sauce for umami flavor in all dishes, even as a dessert topping. (For context, garum has a similar flavor profile and composition to current-day Asian fish sauces such as Vietnam’s nuoc mam and Thailand’s nam pla.) The prized condiment was made by leaving fish meat, blood and guts to ferment inside containers under the Mediterranean sun.
Game meat such as venison, wild boar, rabbit and pheasant along with seafood like raw oysters, shellfish and lobster were just some of the pricey foods that made regular appearances at the Roman banquet.

What’s more, hosts played a game of one-upmanship by serving over-the-top, exotic dishes like parrot tongue stew and stuffed dormouse. “Dormouse was a delicacy that farmers fattened up for months inside pots and then sold at markets,” Jori said. “While huge quantities of parrots were killed to have enough tongues to make fricassee.”
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Giorgio Franchetti, a food historian and scholar of ancient Roman history, recovered lost recipes from these repasts, which he shares in “Dining With the Ancient Romans,” written with “archaeo-cook” Cristina Conte. Together, the duo organize dining experiences at archaeological sites in Italy that give guests a taste of what eating like a Roman noble was all about. These cultural tours also delve into the eyebrow-raising rituals that accompanied these meals.

ZhedazGuckyRA said:
Thu, 23 Jan 2025 09:18:12 +0800

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Elliotton said:
Sun, 19 Jan 2025 11:18:10 +0800

“Our leader forever” was a slogan one often saw in Syria during the era of President Hafez al-Assad father of today’s Syrian president. kra19.cc The prospect that the dour stern Syrian leader would live forever was a source of dark humor for many of my Syrian friends when I lived and worked in Aleppo in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Hafez al-Assad died in June 2000. He wasn’t immortal after all. kra19.cc https://at-kra19.cc His regime however lives on under the leadership of his son Bashar al-Assad. There were moments when the Bashar regime’s survival looked in doubt. When the so-called Arab Spring rolled across the region in 2011 toppling autocrats in Tunisia Egypt and Libya and mass protests broke out in Yemen Bahrain and Syria some began to write epitaphs for the Assad dynasty. But Syria’s allies – Iran Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Russia – came to the rescue. For the past few years the struggle in Syria between a corrupt brutal regime in Damascus and a divided often extreme opposition seemed frozen in place. Once shunned by his fellow Arab autocrats Bashar al-Assad was gradually regaining the dubious respectability Arab regimes afford one another.

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Sat, 18 Jan 2025 08:50:12 +0800

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The Balanset-1A is a small, dual-channel device made for balancing and vibration analysis of rotary mechanisms, making it perfect for use with crushers, fans, mulchers, choppers, shafts, centrifuges, turbines, and other types of rotating machinery.
Operating in vibrometer mode, the Balanset-1A effectively measures rotational speed (RPM) through its tachometer and identifies the phase angle of vibration signals, vital for accurate analysis.
It can measure and analyze the fundamental frequency component, providing a detailed view of the frequency spectrum through its FFT capabilities.

Additionally, the device monitors overall vibration levels and saves measurement data for subsequent analysis, ensuring that all essential information is readily available when needed.
In terms of balancing, the Balanset-1A provides strong solutions.
It can handle single-plane balancing to reduce vibration in one plane, and for more advanced tasks, it performs two-plane balancing, ensuring dynamic stability.

It visualizes unbalance using a polar graph, which helps in the accurate placement of corrective weights.
In case of interruption, you can effortlessly pick up where you left off by restoring the last session.
The device’s tolerance calculator conforms to the ISO 1940 standard, ensuring industry-standard balance.
Moreover, the Balanset-1A can balance grinding wheels by employing three counterweights to eliminate unbalance.

The graphical capabilities of the Balanset-1A improve its functionality.
It provides overall charts that give a visual representation of vibration levels, 1x charts that display vibration patterns of the fundamental frequency, and harmonic charts that highlight the impact of secondary frequencies.
The spectrum charts offer a comprehensive graphical representation of the frequency spectrum, aiding in-depth analysis.

In addition to its primary functions, the Balanset-1A has extra features that add to its versatility and user-friendliness.

The Balanset-1A includes an archive function to save and access previous balancing sessions and create detailed reports on balancing outcomes.
Re-balancing is easy with stored data, and the device is well-suited for serial production balancing, making it an effective tool in both small workshops and large manufacturing operations.

The Balanset-1A package features an interface unit, two vibration sensors, an optical sensor (laser tachometer) with a magnetic stand, a scale, and specialized software (laptop not included), all packed in a durable plastic case for easy transport.

Overall, the Balanset-1A is an easy-to-use, cost-effective solution that offers a wide range of capabilities for balancing and vibration analysis.
Its high efficiency and ability to adapt to specific requirements make it an ideal choice for small and large businesses alike.

Priced at 1949$, it represents a valuable investment for anyone needing reliable and precise balancing and vibration analysis.

<a href=https://www.ebay.com/itm/395306559416> Order on eBay </a>


Wilbertpseuh said:
Sat, 18 Jan 2025 08:16:24 +0800

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington on Thursday. Leon Neal/Getty Images

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the White House on Thursday could be his final chance to convince a receptive American president of his country’s war aims.
The precise details of the “victory plan” Zelensky plans to present in separate meetings to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are unknown, having been closely held until they are presented to the American leaders.

But according to people briefed on its broad contours, the plan reflects the Ukrainian leader’s urgent appeals for more immediate help countering Russia’s invasion. Zelensky is also poised to push for long-term security guarantees that could withstand changes in American leadership ahead of what is widely expected to be a close presidential election between Harris and former President Donald Trump.

The plan, people familiar with it said, acts as Zelensky’s response to growing war weariness even among his staunchest of western allies. It will make the case that Ukraine can still win — and does not need to cede Russian-seized territory for the fighting to end — if enough assistance is rushed in.

That includes again asking permission to fire Western provided long-range weapons deeper into Russian territory, a line Biden once was loathe to cross but which he’s recently appeared more open to as he has come under growing pressure to relent.

Even if Biden decides to allow the long-range fires, it’s unclear whether the change in policy would be announced publicly.

Biden is usually apt to take his time making decisions about providing Ukraine new capabilities. But with November’s election potentially portending a major change in American approach to the war if Trump were to win, Ukrainian officials — and many American ones — believe there is little time to waste.
Trump has claimed he will be able to “settle” the war upon taking office and has suggested he’ll end US support for Kyiv’s war effort.

“Those cities are gone, they’re gone, and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refused to make a deal, Zelensky. There was no deal that he could have made that wouldn’t have been better than the situation you have right now. You have a country that has been obliterated, not possible to be rebuilt,” Trump said during a campaign speech in Mint Hill, North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Comments like those have lent new weight to Thursday’s Oval Office talks, according to American and European officials, who have described an imperative to surge assistance to Ukraine while Biden is still in office.

As part of Zelensky’s visit, the US is expected to announce a major new security package, thought it will likely delay the shipping of the equipment due to inventory shortages, CNN previously reported according to two US officials. On Wednesday, the US announced a package of $375 million.

The president previewed Zelensky’s visit to the White House a day beforehand, declaring on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly his administration was “determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to prevail in fight for survival.”
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“Tomorrow, I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for Ukraine’s military – but we know Ukraine’s future victory is about more than what happens on the battlefield, it’s also about what Ukrainians do make the most of a free and independent future, which so many have sacrificed so much for,” he said.